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Agent import of amino acid from Japan

Business introduction

  A domestic catering company entrusted our company to import a product from Japan, the product name is "amino acid liquid", I think most people should be like us, when we hear "amino acid liquid" this product, do not quite understand what is this product, what is the use of the product。After a detailed communication with the customer, we generally understand that this "amino acid solution" is a condiment, but it is also too different from the condiments we usually know。

Agent import of amino acid from Japan

I. Business process
  When we do not fully understand the characteristics of the product, we dare not recklessly conclude that this business should be operated in accordance with the general food operation, or in accordance with the operation of food additives, so in order to ensure the smooth completion of this business, our first step is to confess the product characteristics。After various inspections and searching for various international standards and industry standards, we confess that this product is a product after hydrolysis of plant-based protein (corn protein), and the general name in Japan is protein and water decomposition。Its composition is mainly amino acids, so it is also called amino acid liquid。The main use is to add to various condiments, increase the taste of food, improve the taste。After acknowledging the product features, we communicated with the commodity Inspection Bureau and they admitted that they could follow the normal food import procedures。
  Next, the second step needs to be done is to arrange foreign stock, delivery, and prepare various documents。The usual documents involved in the import of general food include: packing list,发票,合同,Sanitary certificate,Co (certificate of Origin),Chinese and foreign language labels, etc,But we need to pay attention to two things when importing products from Japan,One is whether the product was produced in the nuclear radiation area,Another point is whether this product needs to handle the "Certificate of Origin of Export products to the People's Republic of China" issued by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.。After admitting that the "amino acid liquid" we need to import is not produced in Japan's radiation zone, but the "Certificate of origin" issued by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries is required.
  Step 3 The Japanese exporter will arrange the shipment after preparing the corresponding documents according to our requirements。After the goods arrive in Shanghai, we will arrange customs clearance in time。In the customs clearance after the release of the dynamic health inspection, there was a small incident, that is, the commodity inspection Bureau about the ingredients of our products have doubts, according to the Japanese description of the product matching is water-free, but according to the liquid shape of the product, the commodity inspection Bureau insists that the product is containing "water" this ingredient。After repeated communication, we provided the process description and process flow chart of the product, and only then admitted that the product did contain the ingredient "water", and then initially changed the Chinese label, and then re-printed and pasted the label。These procedures are completed, commodity inspection and release, delivery。

Two, friendly tips
  Here, the vast import customers, in your preliminary preparation for the import of a product, the most important thing is to figure out the characteristics of the product, the use, so that we can accurately identify the materials required for import clearance, so that the talent to save customs clearance time and prevent additional costs。


Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Agent import of amino acid from Japan | Import of amino acid solution |
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