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Live case of import Pilates trainer customs clearance

  A customer entrusted our company to handle a shipment of goods in March this year,The shipment was a set of pilates trainers,There is something special about the goods,This order of goods is given to the customer by the customer's American friend,Direct shipping to Tianjin Port,The customer thought import was easy, so he didn't care much about this shipment,Until the shipping company informs the goods will arrive at the port for the customer to handle the import declaration,The customer found our company to handle。
Customs declaration of imported Pilates trainers
  We know the customer's business situation after analysis,Because the consignee of this bill of lading is an individual (overseas Hong Kong people),Thought the shipment could be handled as a personal item,After confirming the relevant documents and documents with the customer, I learned that the customer could not provide the entry and exit records of the United States in the past one year,Ultimately, it can only be declared as general trade,Fortunately, the goods are brand new and imported without special supervision,Finally successfully declare the release。
  Note: Now the customs requires the time limit for customs clearance, and the maritime goods need to complete the declaration and release procedures before the arrival of the goods at the port. Therefore, the customer must confirm the relevant documents of the import of the goods in advance before preparing for import, so as to ensure the smooth import declaration and avoid the abnormal import of the goods after the arrival of the goods at the port。
  Qiannuo International has been established for more than ten years, with a professional operation team, rich experience in import and export of various products, import and export business can be handled at various ports, if necessary, welcome to contact!Phone: 400-888-0577。
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